Laurens Island Worksheets

These worksheets can help you to begin to strategically consider how you will go about impacting your smaller “Island” (Home, Work, Local Community, Wider World, Leisure, and Church) with the gospel. This is a very practical tool that will help you to begin to intentionally consider how you will live out your life as a missionary here on Laurens Island.  Start with one area at a time and begin working through it before you move on to another area. The focus must be on practically living out your missionary life, not on simply completing a form. Completing the form is a means to help you carry out your faith, not an end in itself.  Click the link below to access the worksheets.

Laurens Island Worksheets

Note:  These worksheets are from the “Reach Your Island:  Intentional Missionary Training for Everyday People” by Ronald E. Davis.